I have always been an adventurous person.
I like activities like the Flying Fox zip line, paintball, obstacle courses and wall climbing. However, there are not many opportunities for me to go for theses activities. That's why I am always so excited when I do get to go for these activities.
The last time I went wall climbing, I was ten years old. I did it at Outward Bound, which was fun, but I felt the wall there was too easy for me. So, when I learned about Camp5 from mummy, I was enthusiastic about going.
The plan was for Lydia, a friend, and I to go, as Mummy had a buy 1 free 1 voucher. If Lydia couldn't go, my sister would go with me instead. Lydia was busy, so my sister was forced to go with me. (Though I'm sure she was secretly happy after that.)
It was a fun experience. My sister and I were part of a group, which were made up of kids, teenagers and adults. There were two instructors, who taught us how to properly climb a wall. We tried three different walls, and each was more difficult than the one before.
As there were so many of us, we had to climb in turns. I wasn't the first one to climb, even though I was eager to climb. I wanted to watch others climb first, so that I could learn from their mistakes. It was a good plan and helped me to climb better. The first two walls were fun. They were not to easy or too difficult. I had a good time climbing them.
However, at the last, most difficult wall, I failed.
I couldn't reach the top of the wall. I tried over and over agin, with the encouragement of my sister and mummy, but still failed. I eventually had to stop, due to my aching arms. The reason why I couldn't reach was because my climbing style was wrong: I climbed in a way that made it difficult for me to pull myself up. That's why I felt my grip slipping all the time.
This was me, struggling at the final wall. |
I was very upset that I failed at the final wall. I felt that I could have finished climbing, if I just had the determination to do so. My mummy and sister reassured me, and explained my mistake to me. I had to learn to accept my failure, and wait for another chance.
Camp5 was a fun experience. I learned how to accept failure, and not get overly upset by it. I also learned that confidence is good, but I shouldn't be arrogant. I failed at the last wall because I wanted to start climbing as fast as I could. My speed caused me to make mistakes, which is why there were times when I struggled to reach for the next handhold.
I hope that one day, I can go to Camp5 again. Wall climbing is a fun and fulfilling activity, which I doubt I will get bored of.
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