Christian Fellowship

Today is Friday. I had no classes today, but I still went to college anyway. Mummy wanted me to attend my college's Christian Fellowship (CF), as it will help me to stay connected to God.

I arrived at college at 10:30am, as I wanted to go to the library. I needed to use several books at the library, as they contained practice questions. I didn't do many questions, I was too busy looking through the available textbooks at the library.

An outside view of the library.
At 12pm, I went to the auditorium for Christian Fellowship. As Christian Fellowship is considered an extra-curricular activity, we have to fill out an attendance form online. That way, at the end of the semester, our attendance will be noted on our extra-curricular cards.

At 12:10pm, CF started. It started with a worship session, which was nice. Then, an offering bag was passed around. Once that was done, we played a game.

The game was to help everyone warm up to one another, as there were new students attending CF (like me). The game was to write one word describing yourself on a paper, and stick on the front of your t-shirt. We also had to stick a blank piece of paper on our backs. 

We were given several minutes to walk around and mingle. During this time, we must find one person, and write our first impression of them on the papers on their backs. They can also do the same to you. The goal is to talk to as many people as possible and write on their papers.

I met several new people, and got to know them. It was a bit scary for me at first, mingling with so many people, but I managed. In the end, I had fun.

Once the game was over, we listened to a talk given by a lecturer, Mr Jeremy. The topic was "What is a Christian?", and he was a good speaker. He was very clear in his message.

A Christian is someone who belongs to Christ, and believes in God. He also talked about how Christians should live, as we are transformed by God. We are transformed by God to be better people, and people who have godly characteristics. Characteristics such as patience, kindness, selfness and others.

After the talk, we were split into groups, and were given discussion questions. I joined the rest of the CAT students, and we shared about our problems in living as christians. A problem that we share is that we often forget about God due to our busy lives.

At 2pm, CF ended. Then, Mummy picked me up and I went home. CF was fun, and something that I can see myself attending in the future.


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