CF Recruitment Drive

Today was good.

Mummy and I went to Mid Valley, as we had some errands to run. The most important one was to take passport sized photos of me to submit for college. Something that we didn't do earlier due to my conditional offer. We took the photos, had breakfast at Kim Gary and bought some things.

Mummy and I chatted more about our feelings towards my results and our homeschooling journey. It is amazing, thinking about how much God has blessed us. When I'm less tired I will probably blog about this more, as it is something that I want to blog about.

At 11:30am, I was dropped off at college. I settled the photos, got my student ID and added some things in my locker. At 12pm, I attended CF, which was good.

For this semester, CF's theme is "Belong".That's why today's talks so relevant. It was even by one of the lecturers, who spoke about how all of us belong to teh body of Christ. We should never think that some of us are better, while others are not needed. Everyone is important, and we need to play our part.

Cf also started it's recruitment drive today, where we are encouraged to sign up and serve with various departments at CF. Examples of such departments are the sound department, events department, outreach department, prayer department and many others. These department are in charge of different areas of Cf, which are all needed in order for CF to be run.

After discussing things with me, I am currently thinking of going the slides and ushering department. Both departments are doable for me, and I can learn from serving in these departments. Cf ended at 2pm,and I was picked up 45 minutes later.

My View while I waited to be picked up.
Mummy drove me straight to Lydia's house, where I hanged out for the next 2 over hours. There were other youth there, and we played a board game, Codenames, which was fun. Lydia's mom also gave us snacks to eat.

At 6pm, we left for Youth Group. Youth Group was especially fun tonight, since our Youth Leader's family also attended. They have been here for the past week to visit our Youth Leader (T). T's dad gave us a short and simple talk about humility.

He talked about how we should measure our worth. Our worth is what God thinks of us. God's opinion about us is based on two simple facts:

1) We were made in his image.
2) Jesus died on the cross for us.

Based on these two facts, God thinks we are good enough. It doesn't matter if we can't sing or don't get good grades. God thinks we are good enough.

Another thing that he talked about is the definition of humility. It means having nothing to hide, prove or lose. Humility is us not having to hide our weaknesses, prove our strengths to others or lose our carefully crafted public image.

I got home at 9pm, tired but fulfilled after  today. I had soup, took a shower and handled some of my work.

Right now, it's late. I need to get to bed, as I have a long day ahead tomorrow.


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